Rwby fanfiction jaune secretly famous

Rwby fanfiction jaune secretly famous. Jaune Arc, an aspiring young man that wishes follow in his families legacy and become a Huntsman. Known for his exceptional strength and charisma, he saved the world by vanquishing great evils once and for all. "Set up the table", he said, shamelessly changing subject. However, it was apparent to him that they were in on some secret that only they were aware of. Jaune and his team would sometimes encounter her when they were helping Team RWBY and Team SSSN against Roman and the White Fang, but they never fought against her personally; she was mostly on the battlefield to help her boss retreat. Other than that, I have nothing else to tell you except I hope you enjoy this extra long chapter! said Goodwitch, destroying any hope Jaune had. An innocent and harmless background, but unknown to Jaune, she wanted to put a spin on it, she wanted to show Team RWBY that Pyrene was someone pursuing Jaune. While everyone had their own level of concern for Jaune, Ruby was very worried. ' Jaune glanced at his scroll once more, 11:35, it was past the time for the meeting. " Jaune noted the droopy look the baby had adopted and felt his heart crack. I don't own anything. That same ex-girlfriend then went on to become a very famous actress in Mistral. Right now, Jaune's aura was at a reasonable 80% while Cardin was at 60% from aura enhanced hits as well as from Jaune's occasional hits. And as the flight progressed in that blasted flying trap, I threw up everything I ate at breakfast by the time we arrived. Just not feeling hungry, you know? Nerves, I guess. Nov 2, 2017 · "Of course ya idiot, as long as you stick to our deal. He then became a café owner. However, in his incapacitated state, Pyrrha takes the opportunity to explain to Jaune how she really feels about her leader, what exactly she means by a Happy Ending. Dec 4, 2016 · Time slowed down as Jaune made eye contact with the five girls he secretly had a crush on while seeing his sister smiled at him mischievously. She'd been dealing with it for a longer amount of time. Ren was right behind him, enjoying the entire scene. I would have to say my favourite Jaune fic is White Sheep, where Jaune is Salem's son. “You’re tight Blake. Written for the /r/RWBY March Moncon: While having fun at the beach, Jaune accidentally injures himself, and Pyrrha offers to give him a massage while he recovers. "Hey guys, my name is Jaune, and I will start playing guitar with you guys. 'That reminds me. "Don't worry kid, I just want to see how well you can put up a fight. " Velvet defends her new friend. Some unexpected events occur that will surprise everyone. Take for your own, or just be inspired. Doing another dash he grabbed the woman's shoulder spinning her like a salsa dancer and looked at the famous Arc blue eyes. "I-I did it. Team RWBY was barely able to keep up with Jaune as the saw his face turn bright red and then quickly side step away from both Yang and Ruby. may change rating later, pairing undecided. then again I know better. The Arc's were well known throughout all the kingdoms for producing Huntsmen and Huntresses worthy of Hero status. "Of course. While Team PNCR was famous because of Pyrrha Nikos, Team RWBY was (in)famous as a whole. "If you keep the information I want a secret, your suffering will only worsen by the minute. Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 103 - Words: 168,492 - Reviews: 521 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 298 - Updated: 10/18 - Published: 2/21 - id: 14330016 A young Jaune Arc meets a mysterious man who for some reason offers him a chance to become his student. Jaune is too, but when it comes to helping others, he's like Ruby. 17, and we’ve surpassed our goal of 4,500 new members, with over 5,158 new members so far! Sep 15, 2023 · Team RWBY, especially Weiss, pitched in where they could, but they were still outsiders looking in, which Yang was secretly thankful for. Totally worth it though, this guy was like a tall blonde Ruby. Pyrrha, who was seated next to Jaune noticed his unease and tried to talk to him. Grevin Hades. She was Roman's silent assistant, coming to her boss's defense and helping him retreat from a fight he was losing. Before Coco was able to touch Jaune she was suddenly pushed to the side, her teammate moving to stand in front of the "It's just that I don't know what I'm doing, I've never done this before, not for real. Team RWBY will somehow get a hold of Jaune's scroll and discover some things they didn't know about him. May 4, 2019 · AU. His Secret Admirer. His friends Jun 20, 2022 · And has personally brought the RWBY gang to see other realities of Jaune Arc, what does this mean? And what does Jaune has to do in all of this? Rated: Fiction M - English - Friendship/Humor - Jaune A. That and it's kinda insulting for your drunk mom to make the effort of sobriety for Jaune but not Weiss. Feb 2, 2024 · Jaune had no idea what the pair of women were talking about, and he didn't know that he wanted to know. Don't get her wrong, Yang liked babies as much as the next person, but having to help raise Ruby at the tender age of seven had done a number on her thoughts about settling down. " The history lasts about two hours. Jaune survives a childhood tragedy and life in the wilderness with the most unlikely allies. For the longest time, Jaune has had a crush on Pyrrha, but because of who he was and the kind of girl Pyrrha was, he was too afraid to try anything. Jaune, now thirteen, stood in the middle of the living room, a now nine-year-old Jade sleeping with her head on his lap. Nikos, and your partner, Ms. Yet, to their surprise, Yang was right. Pyrrha was observing Jaune, noticing when Cardin would pull a prank or just upright bully Jaune, and of course she had to share her concern with the others of JNPR and RWBY. , Jaune A. Weiss in particular was very vocal about how dumb sneaking into Beacon was, though she'd refrained from telling the headmaster. "We're pretty sure you'd do good when your team comes up next!" Jaune chuckled at this. The awesome cover image is made by Kegi Springfield. Looking to his left he saw Winter and Whitley skating up. " "You've never been nervous in your whole life son. A series of unconnected one-shots in which Jaune Arc tries his luck with the various lovely ladies of the RWBY cast, only to find that these ships are anything but smooth sailing. I am still coming up with names for the kids. Weiss knows it is a secret but…. You see, I've got this ability that shows everyone's level, exactly like a videogame. "She meant you and me making your new weapon!" Ruby explained with a flushed face I did some poking around, and apparently only one of Jaune's other family members has been named in canon so far (I guess three if you're counting by law instead of blood), so I'm going with made up names. Then who was he to say no? "Well who am I to say no then. So what if he was a faunus? Blake was a faunus too. Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,001 - Follows: 1,078 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 After Jaune Arc saved Cardin Winchester from the Ursa, Cardin still told everyone about his fake transcripts. She is so famous that if people on the streets see her walking around Vale, they would mob her for autographs and pictures. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - Jaune A. As she checks her drawer, she couldn't find the 'GoGo's Peculiar Misadventures' that Jaune recommended to her. " Jaune said before he noticed the rapidly approaching wall. Blake had kept her heritage a secret as well. Weiss was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she zoned out for most of Professor Port's lecture. Their names have been scattered across countless newspapers and their mere presence is enough to form a crowd. "Well it's better then Vomit Boy. Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,001 - Follows: 1,078 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 I forgot to say this in the last chapter, Jaune and his friends are slightly older in this story. By. Part of me wants to apologize for the length and the other doesn't regret anything! Jaune is a golden retriever faunus in this. "Friends Jaune, no offence but outside of Yang we kind of keep to a small group of friends and well as I said before, you weren't in the room last Jan 27, 2024 · Before now, she wouldn't have given it a second thought. Curious, his friends decide to follow him to Vale, with Yang making jokes about Jaune having a secret girlfriend. "Roman what the fuck!?" Neo ran towards Jaune and did a low kick tripping him onto the ground. “You’re just big. After years of training, he could hide his emotions pretty damn well. " Another swing, coming at an angle from above this time. Jaune stands at 6'2 with shaggy blond hair with sapphire blue eyes. Ilove him more than you can possibly imagine, he means the world to me just as I do to him. Jaune lifted his shield and braced himself as he felt the vibrations of the strike and the clang of metal against metal. Jaune Arc is a good example of the Arc family: born with control over fire and telekinesis/working alone and ruthlessly/strong and quick/a great alchemist/and was well in tune with nature. That was his usual expression, dubbed by his younger sister affectionately as " Jaune Stupid Face ". fanfiction. Anybody feels like they like any of my not so orginal ideas is welcome to use them. Good question I haven't decided. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 187 - Words: 766,399 - Reviews: 8,648 - Favs: 5,116 - Follows: 5,459 - Updated: 8/28 - Published: 6/22/2018 Nov 5, 2023 · 2. "I'm just tired Ruby. In his will, He gave Jaune their family famous Yellow death, The Crocea Mors. " she teased out. Jaune disappears. Ren face palmed and said, "Nora, Jaune bought his guitar before the dance remember? We were there when he bought it. Ren chuckled at Jaune's eyes popping open, surprisingly Jaune didn't stumble out of stance and kept moving in time with Ren, Ren raised a brow supprised. Cardin stormed out of the cafeteria with his cronies behind him. "How about we just sit and talk?" Angel looked over towards a bench. All eyes focused on Jaune and Jaune gave out a nervous chuckle. Jaune nodded, "Most people here are pretty skilled. Jaune's life in Beacon was always unique to say the least, but what happens when a secret of his gets revealed. Jaune told what he could, however history has never his strong point. Even though it was 2 PM it started to get cloudy causing a gloomy effect. And given the Arc virility? There are a lot of them. " Jaune let him go as Cardin grabbed his hand and glared at Jaune who didn't move an inch. 'Oh, I remember it now. Not to mention that he barely got any sleep with studying late at night. ' Jaune thought as he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of perfume. Oh well. Falls from grace are never elegant, and Jaune's is no different. In the Kingdom's Service: Jaune tried his transcripts and they were just right. The summoned manifestations of slain Grimm defend him through his travels until he meets a band of refugees and a criminal willing to help smuggle them into the safety of Vale - and Jaune into Beacon Academy where he finally finds purpose for the sword at his hip. " Minus Professor Port's incessant rambling about himself during the missions, Team RANJ (minted Ranger) and Team RWBY were able to get results that seemed to spell report card worthy grades in the classes. It had been a day since his secret had been revealed, and already things were different. It takes place in the fourth year at Beacon, Ren and Nora are in volume 7-8 outfits as are RWB, Jaune and Yang stay with volume 4-6 with his shield having the volume 8 upgrades Yang does have a robot arm, but she lost it to a grim bite in the second year and that is when Apr 15, 2023 · Weiss nodded gratefully and left, allowing Jaune to finally let the tension leave his body. It was Saturday, the start of the weekend and he planned to use this weekend to train and study for his classes. It's a good thing Yang is upstairs with the other girls!" Jaune ran a hand over his face gesturing wildly in the general direction of up. "Thanks, Jaune!" Ruby said. RWBY has been something I've come to love over the past few years since its inception, and I honestly feel like its world has so much potential, so here's my take on the life of one Jaune Arc. Another RWBY and others watch the possiblities of Jaune Arc! there will be very few Psyco/Evil jaune in this. Jaune lost his smile and looked down at the pasta he was cooking. I did it!" Jaune yelled at the top of his lungs, for defeating his first grim by himself! "I beat a grim by myself, it felt amazing to fight back like that, and I did something good, that grim could of taken someone without aura, or a weapon, this is crazy. Jaune was plenty happy to experience the monotony of the missions in the semester that came about. Unfortunately, that drew suspicion and A hand found its way to Nora's shoulder as Jaune began to shake her awake gently. Jaune was huffing, and looked his sword, and the dissolving creature. Nov 17, 2023 · Jaune offered her a half-smile, his eyes still distant. Jaune was home. So, that leaves him 6'5 and up. Unfortunately for Yang, it was difficult to hear what they were saying, and while she could hear their distinct voices, their words were lost in the wind. the First Male Maiden has appeared , Jaune Arc carrying the torch of 4 Maidens has to look after himself and Team RWBY a team suppoused to "Look after him" (Basically a flip on the premise)-Jaune Arc : Maidenmania. And the lady introduced the new kid to the class. Jaune shook it off and prepared his next great journey to the ballroom. " Nicholas Arc, Jaune's father, sat across from him, scoffed as he sipped his coffee. Several years later, the situation hadn't changed. He always had my back from the very moment we met, and I'll have his back to. She needed a disguise. They both liked the same things and became Huntsmen for the same reasons. The entire student body immediately turns on Jaune, making his school life hell. Chapter 5 Secret Room-Beta by -Mizu Ryujin- (FIXED)-We rode the dust plane to get back to Beacon. A three years before RWBY cannon begins, Jaune and his adopted brother Sun, somehow find themselves in the Land Between. I didn't take the comics yet so it should be in Jaune-Jaune's drawer' She thought as she tries to look next at Jaune's drawer and she founds the comics. And so when the time to go to Beacon comes, Jaune's family and the usual cast of RWBY meets a very different Jaune Arc. This chapter was a bit more romantic. Thank you for all the support, I do this for you guys. "I don't know what she's thinking about Pyrrha, cause she only ever talks about you four, but honestly, I am not sticking my nose into that question, cause I don't actually want to learn more about it. Recently, Jaune had been spending a lot of time in Vale. Jaune knew that might come back to bite him but he didn't care. Jaune had always dreamed of being a Hero, of being someone. She deserved an explanation, and he could only hope she'd be forgiving. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Weiss S. Credit for the Zinogre goes to Monster Hunter and IronGiant9000 for their inclusion. "Nora~ it's time to wake up. Jaune was done planning everything and for once wanted to act like a follower instead of a leader. The one that was supposed to be owned by the family head. Final exams were coming up, and soon after that the Vytal Festival would follow. Neo gave Jaune a sly grin resting her chin on her hand, Jaune just replied to it with a smile of his own taking a sip of water. While Coco was right that it would get colder later, right now, it was perfect weather to head to the beach. An Update time! The Dating Game show life of Jaune Arc. "Sure, he's weak, but Beacon wouldn't let a fake transcript slip under them. Jaune simply decided to give up and walk to the lockers. " The moment it was decided that the secret Faunus would share a room with the Heiress of what was uncontestably the most racist and hateful business on Remnant did not sit well with Blake at first, but now the raven-haired beauty couldn't picture sharing a room with anyone else. net/s/12289423/1/White-Sheep The Juane in his stories isn't really relatable in my opinion, but still his writing is amazing. "I want to know who it was that sent you!" Jaune said in anger but in a low enough tone that sounded calm. He couldn't tell exactly how old the little girl was but from the way she seemed to understand his words, she was possibly old enough to comprehend what her birth parents had done. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 38,819 - Reviews: 299 - Favs: 1,312 - Follows: 1,551 - Updated: 5/30/2017 - Published: 9/14/2015 - id: 11506645 Weiss answered nervously, knowing for a fact the reason Jaune stopped asking her out was because…. "The time has nearly arrived for the assembly. He'd already been having a bad day, with being late for class and being confronted by Cardin and his gang after. It Oct 19, 2023 · He Really Gets Around By: vendetta543. "Thank you for stopping me, Winter. Arc 1 "Jaune Arc and Yang Xiao Long, please step up the stage. Jaune was born a Blacksmith, and thus that was his destiny. Jaune Arc: Power Redefined Ruby Rose also known as the famous 'The Crimson Wolf' singer. " "Jaune, fight me!" "" "I'm sorry!" So eh, yeah. "Ha! Idiot, you forgot who your partner is. 'Oh my poor knight, this is no prank. After The Fall of Vale a adorkable knight thought long dead appears once again but changed by his experiences and more powerful learning from his new teacher. But I can't have you. Coco knew who she was, though they hadn't exactly met before. Jaune complied and followed Angel towards the bench, sitting down he noticed Angel giving him an odd look. 1. So when he saw her hips sway before she turned around, he could hide the blush. " Jaune said. " Coco explains in lieu of Pyrrha. Jaune received permission to take a seat and sat on the edge of Pyrrha's bed. Then she remembers that it's still in Jaune's personal drawer. We're bound to break and my hands are tied ~Song End~ As the song finished, Yang turned to Jaune with a sultry smirk on her lips, pink tinting her cheeks. Jaune's father, Nicholas, and his mother, Alice, were both famous hunters. . As Cardin removed his mace from the ground, Jaune came with a strong slice from his sword, hitting Cardin's back. Updates return starting Saturday, 04/09/2022. With that thought in mind, both Jaune and Pyrrha walk towards Team RWBY in the distance while carrying their shopping bags, with Ren still with Nora in the pancake shop waiting for take Another RWBY and others watch the possiblities of Jaune Arc! there will be very few Psyco/Evil jaune in this. It didn't help that the rest of his team found out with his sister team RWBY. Team RWBY and the NPR of JNPR cheered as they saw Jaune finally begin to overcome the obstacles in his path to becoming a huntsman. So much for using his free time to train. Of course they'd get along! "Jaune, who's your best friend?" Jaune Arc was the descendant of heroes who never had an honest chance to be a Hunter. Well, regular enough, other than the fact that I've got a secret ability, kind of a weird ability when you look at it. He instantly froze when he noticed something very important… HE DIDN'T KNOW HER NAME! He quickly noticed that she was carrying luggage, just like he was. His Secret Admirer . "Was?" Her eyes flitted nervously from left to right before she leaned in skittishly. Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,000 - Follows: 1,077 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 Jaune stared at her for a bit before letting out a small smile. Chapter 2 – Her first Date. ” Jaune smirked before sliding into Blake slowly. First M rating based on possible versions in the future. "Great job on making it to the semifinals!" Jaune congratulated team RWBY as they smiled. She only snapped back to reality when Professor Port reminded Team RWBY and Team JNPR of their detention with him. Multicross. "Tacos?" Jaune rolled the word over his tongue as he Hey guys, RWBYBlackFlames here and I'm glad to present to you the Season 1 Finale of Jaune's Secret. What would you guys think of a film noir Jaune story with a Dragonslayer or Silent Knight Mar 3, 2023 · The Jaune Archive contains the personal accounts of Jaune Arc, the Hero of Remnant, one of the most feared and respected Huntsmen in modern history. These four girls are Team RWBY, and they are cleaning the room of their sister team: Team JNPR. Or at least one person was. Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,000 - Follows: 1,077 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 Now in the King's chambers we see a 17 year old Jaune Arc talking to his family. So the idea for this came while I was painting and kinda bored. He hated having to leave and go to one of the known universes out there in the cosmos, but that seemed to be his job. Feb 21, 2024 · Plot bunnies and ideas for RWBY fics from a newcomer to the fandom. Jaune whined, leaning against his barrel of a father's chest, vision obscured by a beard as long as Jaune was tall, half his vision obscured while he watched from their spot in a swing on the thin stone porch, his sisters drilling with swords and spears excitedly while their brother and father watched on from the swing that his father had set up. " Pyrrha stiffened and looked at Jaune, but was relieved to see him looking in Ruby's direction with a smile, "You know you're not so bad at fighting yourself," Pyrrha stated, "Soon you won't even need Weiss and I. Rated: Fiction M - English - Jaune A. Jul 16, 2017 · Professor Arc: Jaune tried his transcripts but they were too good. Mostly going into detail of the last 150 years of UNSC history, then Yoda did something that shocked Jaune, he asked about Remnant. can be found here: https://www. He then became a professor. This should have been finished last week, but unfortunately where I live has had me in the hayfields all day. " She shakes and smiles at him as This is pretty fun. Chapter One-Let the Shipping begin! (This takes place during V2-V3) It was another day at Beacon Academy for all its young hunters, it was Friday afternoon and the weekend spelled fun for both teams RWBY and their sister team JNPR. "Team RWBY, Team JNPR, do meet me after classes today. Review Response: deeznutthebest Jaune simple rolled his eyes a small chuckle escaping him. So when his partner asked if wanted help that was the final nail in the coffin. Chapter 12. "They don't exactly have the best ingredients, but" The conversation flowed fairly easily. "Hey, guys!" Jaune called out to team RWBY who was currently sitting on their chairs of a small noodle shop. " After disembarking from the ferry and entering the island colony of Patch, Qrow immediately guided Jaune to a local department store. *10 minutes earlier* The girls are at the club while yang grinned, giggled, making the rest of girls look at her in confusion but ignored it as they reached the entrance and were stopped by the list checker. All the jerks I've ever been with were just around because I'm famous; they couldn't care less about how I am as a person. =O= Jaune had managed to set a new record for himself, as within an hour, he was in the ballroom and was unpacking his things, before he saw two things of interest. Jaune was just a common criminal who never had a choice in the matter. Finally words came out of his mouth. Was Weiss wrong to feel the way she did? It seems selfish, but redeeming the SDC is her goal in life and Jaune did kinda take ir away from her. By Azure. Comedy (mostly). " She shrugged. She was accepted by Ozpin by himself and signed to his label however she has kept her identity low in Beacon as she wants to have a normal life as well. Jaune then went over to his closet and got out two sets of clothes and some swimwear. Aug 13, 2020 · In Beacom, the famous school on training the best Huntsman and Huntress in the world of Remnant, so in one of its dormitory are four girls cleaning said room. The only people who stay by his side are his team, team RWBY, team CFVY, Ozpin, and the teachers. Ruby rolls her eyes. Service with a Smile: Jaune tried his transcripts but they weren't good enough and he was rejected. I'm Jaune. "I know, Mom. Living their true lives in secret, they brew potions, master spells and work with the Nether realm in secret. "Good. " he talked to himself smelling the aroma. But Jaune's father couldn't careless about some old sword nor family tradition and took the position of clan head. While the selection was less than inspiring, he did manage to buy some low quality Dust, some dry foods, a water filter, a few cheap t-shirts, a few black tank tops, some shorts, a pair of jeans and a half decent pair of running shoes. His father was named Alexander Arc and was an adult version of him that stood at 6'5. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,212 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 187 - Updated: 1/19/2021 - Published: 12/11/2020 - id: 13766658 All the while hiding a secret that would rock the world of RWBY. Jaune had made a foolish decision and he reaped what he sowed. Her sister raised an eyebrow before leaning in curiously at Weiss' actions. Jaune told Pyrrha about how his mom dragged him to multiple galas and the shenanigans that he got into at them, making both of them laugh. Two weeks later, team RWBY blew up the docks, and the entire team was forced to attend mandatory counseling. " ~Ruby Rose. Also, sorry for some of the names in this story as I am terrible with names. "You can't run away from me forever Arc! Jaune cracked a grin as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "If your team chooses to accept you'll take on classes in dust manipulation, weapon maintenance, strategy, and various types of combat," Jaune nodded, contemplating the man's words. It made sense, Ruby thought. the other fic is a blazblue fic with Jaune but said done different with his out look onlife "Ah, so you're the famous Jaune I've been hearing so much about… Funny, Bun never mentioned how cute you are in person…" the older girl teased, a smirk upon her face. Entering the cafeteria along with the heiress in tow, I immediately saw my team seated at a nearby table, and along with them were members of Teams CFVY, DARK and TERA but what caught my attention was the lone first year that was fidgeting under their combined gaze and if I didn't know any better this would have been viewed as bullying or worst…. Jaune groaned. "Willow, how do I stop?" Jaune shouted before he skated into the wall or he would've if not for the glyph that appeared. "Nothing like good old fashion marinated steak with the Arc famous mash potatoes. Whether I want this to be Jaune x Pyrrha or Jaune x Weiss is for me in 4 years when I decide to write chapter 10 of this thing to decide. he already had lovers of his own. How will this affect the world of Remnant? You better read to Finally I have posted a poll on my profile on what the pairing be for my Jaune of arc fic should be please vote. , Pyrrha N. Whether it was an insane cultist summoning him to gain power or knowledge to the occasional average Joe or Jane just trying some arcane spell out to see if it worked, he would then be forced from this realm and have to answer whatever stupid questions were asked What if Jaune was imprisoned after the Breach for his false transcripts and after escaping joined a certain band of bandits. All eyes sans Blake, who was already back to reading one of her books, turned to Jaune. So, if you continue to slander Jaunethen you'll be tasting the end of my baby, Crescent Rose. "What?" he replied, the girl moving even closer to him. The women was showing a face of shock with a hint of red, he let go and looked around to see another blonde hair women talking to Ms. Team RWBY's performance in Initiation earned them a spot in the Beacon's unofficial hall of fame. If it is, I don't own it. So a few members decide to check in with the young would-be Huntsman. He made sure to sneak out at night and sat in the moonlight (or in the day if he could manage it), feeling his body thrum as steadily drank in the light of the of the celestial bodies. "Coco! Don't call Jaune an idiot, he just forgot, that's all. Jaune has been distant for the past few months during their second year in Beacon Academy, which left his friends concerned. " Miss Glynda Goodwitch said. Sadly Jaune failed to see the shadowy figure moving closer to him, crouched down to better hide themselves, the only sign of their presence being the glint of a needle in their hand. The same spot Team CFVY had last year when they outperformed everyone in their own Initiation. It was no secret that the two team leaders shared a close bond. “NGHHH!” Blake moaned feeling Jaune inside her at last. So they kept his secret. Jaune showed no remorse for him. " He then reaches his right hand out for her to shake. He's the top RWBY fanfiction writer and almost all of his stories are about Jaune. "Maybe I should start calling you Lover Boy instead Jaune. this was Winter. The Many Secrets and Tales of Jaune Arc. If you have any questions about whether or not a particular detail makes sense in the story, they probably have an answer, and it's all the same answer: Now, the lesson, begins, it does. 3. Currently he was in one of the sparring arena's and was battling against a training bot. Apr 25, 2022 · Jaune's family had a history of being hunters, protectors of the world per se. It wasn't as if had been trying to keep his tail a secret. Within an hour of Cardin spreading Jaune's secret, everyone at Beacon knew. As such, even though Doctor Oobleck said to keep it secret, Jaune had known this would happen at some point. But dreams were just that; for in the world of Remnant the Class you are born with determines your fate. That thought brought a grateful smile to the young woman's face. Now in canon Jaune is already tall but here at the minimum he will be taller than Cardin. "Jaune you're overreacting, Yang isn't *that* bad" Jaune looked incredulous "I'm reacting the exact right amount after you told me what she did to the boy at Signal that asked you out!" Jun 1, 2024 · According to Jaune, Pyrrha's secret was preventing her from achieving the true potential of her Semblance, by preventing her from attempting anything that would be visible to the eye… For instance, Pyrrha could straight up FLY by using her Semblance on her armor, but she never practiced prolonged flight because doing so would reveal her secret. Next was someone born into a family much older then the Schnee's. Little did anyone know, he never asked for any of this. " Jaune said as he sheepishly scratched the back of So when Weiss is forced to swallow her pride and ask Jaune to help with her garden, no one else can know. ” Jaune grunted as he tried to get used to her vice of a pussy. " Aug 31, 2024 · The Twins Gods of Light and Darkness make Jaune travels the multiverse, meeting various version of himself. I am also working on a persona 3xRWBY fic with jaune as the fool seeing at it hasn't been done for him. Jaune was surprised to meet yellow eyes and realized he had the wrong girl. Second of all, Pyrrha is an emotional person. Award. " Said Jaune, Everyone gave out a bored "Hey" and continued with their guitars. Long story. Jaune Arc getting into Beacon caused quite a stir among his family. “Sorry about dealing with your teammate here, Cinder. "No. " Neo tried to finish the fight with a kick to the ground, but Jaune was just able to roll over out of the way. What else could he do? He was the one invading her privacy. "N-n-nothing P-Pyrrha, I'm f-fine!" said Jaune, with his words the exact opposite of what he looked like. One: His wonderful Sisters packed him no sleepware, except his onesie. The multibillionaire Sir Jaune Soleil Arc, heir of the famous Arc Clan, knight of all Kingdoms and Earl of Vale, has announced yesterday his intentions in purchasing the SDC from its current owner, Jacques Schnee. ” Jaune said as Cinder waved her hands and giggled at his apology. "Dinner's almost ready". If she doesn’t share, feel free to let me know so I can make it up to you somehow. However, the surprise continues when they see Jaune with a different girl as the day continues. Jaune entered (Training Room – Legendary) and started interrogating the assassin. And as any kid with a new toy, Jaune played with his powers and learned what he could do with them. Maybe Jaune was secretly another of her half siblings, given his hair. " Jaune now began to lean back a bit, shifting on his knees as she moved even closer trying to stay even with him. Jun 9, 2022 · Jaune Arc was feeling that he didn't belong at Beacon Academy. On the bright side we won't be running out of square bales anytime soon. Hey guys, Myareska here with my first ever fanfic! Well, first one I've actually published anyways, but that's besides the point. He saved meand I saved him. We need to talk about the detention Professor Goodwitch assigned you. Dec 29, 2023 · For frame of reference, I will be pulling a lot of Jaune's characteristics from Marvel's Thor and God of War's Kratos. ' Now complete. "W-what?!" "Yaaaang!" Ruby threw a corgi pillow at her face. Now Jaune loved the Faunus race, another reason he is so famous, and he found this one completely attractive. " Jan 10, 2022 · Panting Jaune jogged over to pick up his shield and dust it off, getting back into position quickly. "Block. I have no idea if the Argus Augur is a real news channel/paper in canon RWBY. " Roman smirked, his sly smile gave Jaune comfort while making feel uneasy. Pyrrha Nikos is Pyrrha Nikos. "She's had this crazy paranoia that all you RWBY girls have been secretly aiming to steal Jaune from her. "You promise I can get into this sch-" before Jaune could finish his sentence he was pushed out of the door by two men in weird white mask. Arc's partner, Ms. I always liked the idea of Jaune being more a badass and him being a giant makes it funny. " Jaune clicked the TV off and looked at the cooked meal. But Jaune's not like that, he's nice, gentle and caring, and he has to love the real me. Just you wait. He just hadn't been able to come up with a good excuse, so the truth came tumbling out in a rush. Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Jaune A. Goodwitch. Schnee. Even the famous first-year team, RWBY was discussing it and if the rumor was true. Jan 11, 2019 · "Maybe Jaune-Jaune is secretly hiding his talents because he is a famous singer!" screamed Nora excitingly. Note: This fic is 99% AI Generated, you guys gonna find lots of flaws. The others look at her blankly not believing of her theory. I read a story of JaunexElm, yes it was smut but I liked the idea of Jaune really being a powerhouse. On another note this is a one shot. They continued to watch with slight surprise as he broke into a brisk jog moving away from the group all while he kept trying to keep himself from having a panic attack. First of all, Pyrrha has been nursing her feelings for Jaune for almost the entire length of the show; it's unclear at what point Jaune realized that his for Weiss were serious. However, with everything going uphill for Jaune, others were having a tougher time, and on one particular night, it finally boiled over. I'm feeling this in my soul because before I started writing this I said "It's just a fic about Jaune getting some head pats! How long can it be?" I have recorded proof that I wanted this to be 5k. Jaune simply smiled before lining himself up with Blake’s entrance, “Time to tame this naughty kitty. Feb 26, 2023 · Unconsciously, Jaune returned with her light expression and carefree smile. Do the Grimm represent the greatest threat in this world? Uncovering the secrets of their friend could lead them to question everything they thought they knew about him; Jaune might not be the aspiring hero It is our secret leader reunions. Glynda smirked as she finished typing her email to Ozpin regarding the new housing for Jaune and his group of girls. Though, how much longer can they keep up the ruse? Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Weiss S. Join her adventure and tours she goes in and has support from her friends after keeping it a secret to Yang for a long time. Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc. Jaune managed to pull a few details out of Pyrrha, mostly food related as that seemed to be the topic of the day. "Not this time fate" has amazing writing, and my personal favorite "The Beacon Civil War" is a perfect balance of comedy and hopelessness. - Words: 1,112 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 39 - Published: 3/15/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11115419 May 29, 2024 · "Anyways, long story short, your friend Jaune is heir to a famous Valean bakery and your teammate Blake is is the First Daughter of Menagerie, a nation with a major sugar industry, however, this is complicated by the romantic interests of Mr. " Jaune contemplated for a few seconds if he should not answer maybe then the girl would drop the pretend of her caring about him and go back to her room, but he decided to amuse her for a second even if that made his blood boil, after all he did not want to drop his façade just yet. It's not a secret I try to hide. Hopefully, this would be the last time team RWBY would need to vent. Aug 18, 2024 · Jaune said as Nilla rolled her eyes before she typed something on her Scroll, and Jaune’s went off with a little chime. I created this to have a story where I can see my various ideas of Jaune. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 14,256 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 203 - Updated: 3/1/2018 - Published: 8 Hello, my name is Jaune Arc, and I am a regular, seventeen year old. Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,001 - Follows: 1,078 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 But maybe soon is the time to spill about the secret. After another hour, the session was over and Jaune was dismissed to the You see, throughout the day Team RWBY and company had learned that their friend, Jaune Arc, had been dating a mysterious girl back before he decided to attend Beacon Academy. Come, Mister Arc. "Simply attack. Sun Wukong, a monkey Faunus that was adopted by the Arc family. Donate at least US$10 and you'll become a member of the OTW! Learn about Fanlore, one of the projects your membership will support, and about our new thank-you gifts! So far we've raised US$187,073. He had a scar of his face going from the left side of his forehead down to his left cheek. "Rather," she continued, standing up from her desk and prompting Jaune to do the same. If she was willing to keep Blake's past a secret, Jaune's was nothing. Now, Jaune has used the guise of being the girls bodyguard to allow his and hers secret relationship to flourish for years. She then unlock his aura later to only help him fine his semblance at the same time. "Jaune, what's the matter?" asked Pyrrha with concern in her tone. Jaune and the others are eighteen/nineteen with Ruby being sixteen/seventeen. "Pyrrha. Taking suggestions for other crossovers and using my usual fan-canon for RWBY. After a few years Jaune learned many secrets about the world and himself, secrets that normally would have remained secret. Jaune took a few steps toward her, but she managed to escape in such a quick fashion. Life was good for Jaune Arc. Jaune glanced up, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint. He couldn't just let that girl get bullied for being who she was, that wasn't fair. The RWBY team, along with team JNPR, embarks on a journey full of mysteries as they explore ancient documents found in Jaune Arc's chest. Life's going alright for RWBY and JNPR. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Words: 10,743 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 204 - Follows: 246 - Published: 6/20/2022 - id: 14097518 Jaune ducked and dive rolled away trying to keep an eye on the girl. Her teammate had planned a secret rendezvous with Jaune on the rooftop, and she could only imagine what kinds of things the two of them were discussing under the guise of 'studying' together. After about 10 minutes the waitress came with two plates of piping hot waffles, one having somewhat melted ice cream and the other with a stack of waffles each having a layer of syrup on them. No that wouldn't be the right approach. " Eye witness say they saw a group of what could be huntresses who attacked the machine, we have yet to learn who these people are. " The girl was a heavy sleeper much like Ren but was also a cuddler; something the blonde leader was well aware of by this point, as the slumbering girl had a soft grip that pulled him into her bunk down next to her. If she was still willing to befriend him after what just happened, and even when he had no idea that she was famous. Jaune completely understood, being famous is cool for the first couple months but Pyrrha wanted to be seen as a person and not a trophy. But if you want popular fics with OCs named Jaune then I recommend Coeur Al'Aran. By Grevin_Hades. And just like that Jaune was left alone until Roman gave him a call. Jaune Arc manage to free himself from the tree he was trap to and ran to look for a partner. They're in a good school, they're making new friends at least they're trying to, but- "Hi Jaune!" Jaune Arc found himself training alone on a misty fall morning. Another day of self-improvement. “No no. How to marry an Arc: by Guinevere Arc. " She shook her head as she moved closer now entering his personal space, her eyes locked on his now. He found Ruby moments after being found by a pack of Beowolfs and partner with her. "Why are we doing this again," Said the youngest of the team. Darkness, that is what greeted him when he first woke…well that and a throb of pain coming from his neck. " Jaune sputtered and stammered in absolute shock and looked at Ruby. By giving Jaune that sword, it's the same as giving him the position of clan head. A story told in shorts, with an emphasis on 'short. "Jaune-chan! Jaune-chan!" "Hem, like anyone would fight the barbarian. Not perfect, but good. Another day survived. The last famous Arc being Jaune's grandfather, a man held as a Hero for is actions during the Great War. Jaune took note of this as he dodged yet another hit. Jaune Arc is a rookie detective taking over his late uncle's place though hasn't been doing case solving much until one day he goes to Heart Patch studio for a case involving a cartoon voice actress Velvet Rabbit and her mother, a famous singer Jessica Rabbit, about a secret that's been hidden for a year. Dec 6, 2022 · Somehow. "H-How…" Jaune's stuttering was hilarious. No one made a big deal out of it the way that they were about him. Jul 17, 2019 · Another day down. One Jaune Arc of the Arc family. dtawnb dwjo vah zuuv rwjbrs xzayk lrkcmkq svyad rlkppx mhlwtk
