Wkwebview scrolling issue

Wkwebview scrolling issue. Follow I had the same issue and it seems to be a bug in iOS 9. Closing in here, let's track any issues over at the wkwebview repo, as I'm I'm glad you found a workaround, but this sounds bizarre. But it doesn't work. Did this work in previous versions? When this property is true, the WebView should attempt to size itself to the minimum size necessary to fit the web content being displayed. Sign up for the content overflows and does not fit to the device width. – jnpdx. This means that iOS version numbers can be treated as WKWebView version numbers. There is a long-standing issue of momentum/velocity scrolling (i. I am building an iOS app with Meteor and Ionic (Meteoric), and I am having troubles with the keyboard behavior on my app. 0-preview. I have tested Hi, I cannot scrolling webview after upgrade to the last version 5. 4 Until Apple fixes the issue, we suggest to apply the workaround commented in this thread because the change is centralized and can be easily reverted when Apple fixes the real issue, if Capacitor team desires. Working OK in browser too. ) On mobile it's not an issue because there is no scrollbar, but on desktop I didn't know all what that implies. navigationDelegate = self view. Hot Network Questions When using WKWebView in CocoaScrollView, has scroll issue #460. I think WKWebView should have the same behaviour as safari, is it because javascript issue ? My viewController has a UIView property which contains a WKWebView. IOS scrolling issues (elastic scroll and bounce) 19. In Safari it works, but in WKWebView it doesn't. scrollTo(%d,0);",xPosition]]; All the In a WKWebView embedded in an iOS app, the scroll bar is not displayed even when the text is long. Configure a URLRequest. 1. Dilip Sharma. UIWebView is currently deprecated in favor of WKWebView, I do not develop the app and cannot test if updating to WKWebView would solve the issue. I have figured out how to hide both the vertical and horizontal scroll indicators, disable scrollview bounces and disable the pinch gesture recognizer but still haven't found a way to This issue has been automatically identified as an Ionic 3 issue. so this means the WKWebView is shared but not This would use WKWebView, as on iOS. Here is the possible demo. It is hiding the very bottom of the web page. If he did, the "confirm" button was enabled. I have an ion-list inside an ion-card <ion-list> <ion-item *ngFor="let item of listItems" (click)="clickPopup(item)"> Now on iOS 14. layer. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I add a representative WKWebView inside your PartialSheet and I can't do a scroll at the webview. frame, configuration: webConfiguration) webView. The problem is that WKWebView always seems to use its frame as its viewport size, neglecting to subtract the scrollView's contentInset. Can Description. javaScriptEnabled = true This is where the WKWebView and in-app browser come in handy. I am moving this issue to the repository for Ionic 3. – mthandr. ScrollView. Right now everything is working quite well, the datatable renders wonderfully and it all looks great. When an input field in the web container is focused and the soft keyboard comes up, the web view scrollview usually scrolls up automatically. Improve your web development skills. postMessage sometimes doesn’t work well, and it doesn’t work well when you need to synchronize the JS side to get the data from the native APP before you can continue executing the JS code. How to reproduce: Create two elements overlaying each other (with position: absolute for example), one of them having a higher z Outside of that I have a scroll view that also has horizontal paging content. This is for WKWebView which is a requirement from Apple as of Dec 2020 though the deadline has been temporarily extended. " I have an early 2013 macbook pro, and scrolling in the app is choppy/laggy. If two objects with -webkit-overflow-scrolling overlap the lower one is scrolled instead of the one being displayed above. I'm not sure if is a cache issue or any extra manual work should be setup for displaying web in cell, but when I scroll it with ASDK, the web seems to render every time it shows. scrollView. . On android when I let go of my screen the scroll position doesn't change. And I set the WKWebView scrollView delegate to my viewController, which is a public function of my UIView subClass and called in my viewController. scrollToEndOfDocument() To scroll down after loading is finished you can put it into this function: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { webView. offsetHeight returns wrong height, why? Will using ADSL filters with full-fibre broadband create any issues? WKWebView, scrolling the web page to top. removeAllCachedResponses() URLCache. Please note the "occasionally". insertSubview(webView, at: 0) now the thing is that when I want to scroll the page after it's loaded I have to make the gesture twice -- on the first scroll it does not react at all. I've tried disabling scrolling but that did not work. scrollTo (0, 0)); See apache/cordova-ios#417 (comment) Then, when the user swipes to the next page of the UIPageViewController, I will make a new WKWebView and scroll down a page using the setContentOffset method. override func loadView() { super. For a while we were not ready to push the wkwebview plugin because These problems only occur when using WKWebView instead of UIWebView (Everything works as intended with UIWebView). youtube. When the WKWebView is the only scroll-able element in the fragment everything is fine and the WebView sends the scroll events to the page. WKWebView CORS Issue. I have figured out how to hide both the vertical and horizontal scroll indicators, disable scrollview bounces and disable the pinch gesture recognizer but still haven't found a way to Expected behaviour: Something that works really well in Mobile Safari: When scrolling and stopping the scroll momentum by tapping the screen once, no @click event is ever fired. So, if you want to solve a specific problem, or if you just want to see what WebKit is capable of, read on! We can finally display our WKWebView! To display the actual internet resource in the webView, we should do the following in the viewDidLoad method: Call our newly created setupUI() method. – I am using a WKWebView as my web container on my iOS 8+ hybrid app. Thank you. window. 11 SWIFT - HTML scrolling events in a WKWebView that's inside a ScrollView. Not Hi, I noticed this behavior when implementing PerimeterX on my App. If the same WKWebView is presented inside the detail view of a UISplitViewController, it will have a strange rubber-band horizontal scrolling behaviour. m temporary and test This occurs both when tinymce is shown in a WKWebview in app, and when it is displayed in Safari. Add a comment | Your Answer Disable scrolling of WKWebView in NSScrollView. My problem is on iOS as soon as I let go of the screen it now scrolls to top or bottom of my scroll view items. Hot Network Questions Since 1. I also suggest defaulting to native scrolling so that iOS has full control over the functioning of the keyboard + scrolling logic. Environment (include versions). While I do have content translated to the right off-screen, I've never seen my body scroll This is an issue with WKWebView since the same implementation of UIWebView does not require it. Ideal for displaying HTML markup, styled text content, or complete web pages. This only happens on iOS. Copy link Member. As you can see, there's a bad scroll positioning of the WKWebView. However, the application is not able to display the PDF content shared within a WKWebView and it just shows the page counter and scrolling, etc. 2 Swift WKWebView and Javascript Interaction WKWebView constrains issue when keyboard pops up. Control. (like an iSH) Also if lots of informations are shown to console, it can’t create new lines and break it. 0 Copy to clipboard. Stack Overflow. There will an issue with UIWebview in ios. I know you said the device locks up, but if you're able to get any logs from the device or browser to share, perhaps that would help identify where this problem If I display an HTML document (that is not wider then the screen) in a WKWebView as full screen view on an iPad or iPhone, it scrolls as expected, vertically only, and not at all horizontally. messageHandlers. However, react-native- That answer explains the difference in iOS scroll events. Apple is going to reject app using this. Dose anyone know how to do this? objective-c; macos; scroll; wkwebview; position: fixed has always been a problem with iOS. You can remove the method - (void)removeFromSuperview() in RNCWKWebView. This is an issue with WKWebView since the same implementation of UIWebView does not require it. Chaging from UIWebView to WKWebView fixed it for me: #import <WebKit/WebKit. Perhaps some changes were added to WKWebView recently? I'm using Xcode 8 and testing on iOS 9/10. First post date Last post date . However I don't understand how to achieve the same behavior with WKWebView. Prior to WKWebView I used the UIScrollViewDelegate detecting wether the User had seen all of the content by scrolling till the end of the WebView. Also, bind the size with webview and update the frame of webview. It is defaulted to false. Is there any way to disable HTML content scroll so that it takes all the space of my scrollable page ? 1)Angular+bootstrap application issue check your application os production build or not, the images, css is minified or not and its support DSN or not. 1 WKWebView is not scrolling the content to mapped HTML. override func viewWillTransitionToSize(size: CGSize There seems to be some issues with the view port getting the wrong size in landscape when using wkwebview. Add a comment | 3 The above answer is right you need to set this value as true to enable JavaScript. And there was still issue for me - do a long tap when menu appear slightly swipe left or right When the WKWebView is the only scroll-able element in the fragment everything is fine and the WebView sends the scroll events to the page. – arlomedia. However, when I focused a select input, and the scroll wheel virtual "keyboard" comes up, the body's scrollTop() and scrollLeft() are changed from 0 to like 20. bounces = NO;. (obj-c, jquery or the css) When I switched to WKWebView, I no longer needed the height changing. I’ve # compose-ios. Environment. 4 XMLHttpRequest not working in WKWebView due to CORS restriction #24. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at it. On iOS 8, the below code works fine, it can scroll with more inertia. I can capture all content screenshot of UIWebView by adjust frame of UIScrollView of UIWebView. iOS WKWebView detect when reaches bottom There are answers that show how to set a scroll delegate. Closed Error: 'WKWebView' has no member 'scrollView' #8. As of current, my WKWebView is having some minor scrolling issues. I'm not very experienced with Javascript - (NSString *)jsCodeScrollTo:( The above . My app using react-native 0. diskCapacity = 0 本文主要以 WebKit 源码中对 WKWebView 所支持的复杂手势处理逻辑为对象,研究学习 iOS 系统中手势处理的高级用法。 The only environment where the scrolling issue occurred was when the web page with the signature was viewed inside a UIWebView of an iOS app. It doesn't appear that the inset status bar is the issue here. You have to disable WKWebView scrolling. I have tried sizeToFit and Error: 'WKWebView' has no member 'scrollView' #8. Please track this issue over there. As of now new Ionic apps will run on WKWebViewBY DEFAULT 🎉!. [name]. How to reproduce: Create two elements overlaying each other (with position: absolute for example), one of them having a higher z Recently monitoring a lot of iOS 18 beta 5(22A5326f) crashes about WKWebView, anyone know how to fix it? it crashes when performing operations like copy and paste in the input box. js to work within web views using the system-provided webkit engige: supported browsers. g. Closed xukecheng opened this issue Dec 18, 2023 · 1 comment Closed CocoaScrollView don't start with WKWebView' When using WKWebView in CocoaScrollView, has scroll issue Dec 18, 2023. If this is still an issue with the latest version of Capacitor, please create a new issue and ensure the template is fully filled out. It seems page content is there but showing me blank white. I'm not sure if this is a Cordova Issue or Ionic, but the second plugin cordova-plugin-ios11-inset-statusbar fixes the issue, but then Ionic's scroll placement is off - so I'm looking for guidance here. I am also refe You signed in with another tab or window. Some time its back and show but man This issue might happened since Flutter 3. Hence I am not able to scroll this entire page . I believe scrolling in the rubber band region on iOS (that little bit when you drag the top of the scroll area and it slides down slightly) would attempt to reset the value to 0 from react virtualized, leading to a flicker as it jumps back and forth between where it is, the rubber band region, and To open a WebView in iOS, you typically use the WKWebView class from the WebKit framework. I dont need horizontal scrolling so I have disabled horizontal scroll of webview. Is that https://www. indicatorStyle property is no longer respected or rather no longer persisted when set on non-opaque WKWebView s. Never noticed this problem before. This will allow me to modify its frame to show all of its HTML content without the need to scroll within the web view, and I will be able to set the correct height for the scroll view container (by setting scrollview. In my app I am displaying website using the WKWebView component but since the website has <iframe> content, scrolling does not work. I first thought it was time to migrate from UIWebView to WKWebview so I proceed, but this is still not working. Has someone experienced similar issues with the WKWebView and has a solution for them? EDIT: There is a now a sample project on Github, where you can experience the bug and play around with it: WKWebView test project My viewController has a UIView property which contains a WKWebView. We will cover the following topics: Setting up the project; Adding WKWebView to the app; Loading web content with WKWebView; Handling navigation and interactions Supporting auto scrolling on console mode would be better. The website I am trying to load is handling the notch thanks to t My problem is after increasing the height of wkwebview, The view is not getting events in increased area. This issue was not present in iOS Beta which scrolls fine. Closed Doflatango opened this issue Oct 21, 2022 you can search online for the same issue adding android WebView [MY ERROR HERE] or ios WKWebView [MY ERROR HERE] keywords. delegate = self func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { // Do stuff } It works well for almost every web pages but when the user does a google The idea is to set the WKWebView's frame to the desired viewport size, either manually or using autolayout constraints. 24. Environment, Platform, Device Version information Problem: On iOS the z-index of a scrollable area is ignored when using -webkit-overflow-scrolling. However, It appears that there is an issue with the initial scrolling. Ok, so let’s have a brief history lesson on why this is really important and also beneficial to you as a developer. On the page, there is But the main problem is, it requires me to change the -webkit-overflow-scrolling to "scroll" instead of "touch" so I lose the Safari-like scroll acceleration. This article uses Swift version 4. Apple has since released a new webview (WkWebView) and while it still has the same flickering issue (although scroll events work great now) we were able to do a fix on the cordova side of things in our fork of the wkwebview plugin that fixes this issue without causing a flicker. It works fine when the app is in ringer mode. I know how to do this for UIWebView, but it is deprecated. Furthermore, I'm using Ionic Native Transitions, and Outside of that I have a scroll view that also has horizontal paging content. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Call the load(_ request: URLRequest) method on the webView. After making an instance of WKWebView, you can load web content by creating a URLRequest and calling the load() method. Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 17:01. No description provided. I use PartialSheet 2. Removing wkwebview fixes this issue (I am not using any custom keyboard plugins) Screenshots: Here's a video of this happening: So everytime the keyboard will close, the window will scroll back to the correct position. NET MAUI app permissions are requested and approved by the user, for the whole app. Sign in As you can see in the screenshot, I have Image and HTML content on one screen. contentSize. Commented Jul 18, 2017 at 7:54. configuration. The issue only occurs on iOS 18 beta 5. The WKWebView stuck between platforms. With UIWebView I used scalesPageToFit to ensure the web pag was displayed with the same size as the screen size (so as to appear full screen without scrolling). For iOS, I am enabling WKWebView. height) webView. Join Slack. 10, use WKWebView to add web content to your app. Reproduces how often: [Easily reproduced, Intermittent Issue] Brave Version: did you check with Brave Shields down? did you check in Safari/Firefox (WkWebView-based browsers)? Additional Information: The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. This solution is changing overflow-y: scroll; to hidden after a view has been presented. I use the following to scroll through the WebView horizontally: [myWKWebView evaluateJavaScript:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"window. You signed in with another tab or window. It import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate {var webView: WKWebView! override func loadView {let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration webView = WKWebView (frame: . WKWebView only vertical scroll & not horizontal scroll & not page zoom. After investigating a little bit I noticed that even the demo on the docs has the same issues: but I managed to find a work-around solution for both Safari in IOS and Cordova WKWebView: Boasting responsive 60fps scrolling, built-in gestures WKWebView; func load Request(request: URLRequest) func load(_ request: URLRequest) -> WKNavigation? Issues and pull requests are always welcome. Add a comment | 4 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default 1 I was doing something similar trying to get the content height after load and then sizing the webview's You use WKWebView to display interactive web content in your app. html { overscroll-behavior: none; } Tested in iOS 16 and above. Steps to reproduce: Tap an item in a list; Swipe to go back Bug description: I am using WebView to load a webpage which has an embedded audio player. This happens until the user scrolls all the way down the embedded scroll view within the web page. But once I tapped back inside the UIView above, I can scroll again. In iOS 13, that doesn't happen. This would use WKWebView, as on iOS. X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ] Using Endless scrolling; scroll down the grid records, until page changes from "1 - 20" to "1 - 40" Click the "refresh" icon in the bottom left of the grid. I am using WKWebview from the cordova-plugin-ionic-webview plugin which fixed some scrolling issues I was having a few months ago in the iOS 12. SetWebChromeClient(new Boasting responsive 60fps scrolling, built-in gestures WKWebView; func load Request(request: URLRequest) func load(_ request: URLRequest) -> WKNavigation? Issues and pull requests are always welcome. The same way only can play any content video, image in the original height. Hi, Scenario: webview showing blank white screen on getting back from background to foreground. The issue is when I call [viewController popViewControllerAnimated], it will crash on [UIScrollView setDelegate:]. masksToBounds = NO; This is WKWebView in view controller class: Resolved issue! – Ruchira More. While the property bounces cannot control the display of the extra area, the property alwaysBounceVertical can. This should scroll to the text chapter and after that scroll within the web view. I am using SwiftUI, so I have a wrapper around the Webview, like this: import SwiftUI import WebKit struct WebView: UIViewRepresentable { var url: String let webView = WKWebView() Thanks for the issue! This issue is being locked to prevent comments that are not relevant to the original issue. Commented Nov 26, 2019 at 1:15. But it is for iOS 11 and above. struct AttributedText: UIViewRepresentable { let htmlContent: String @Binding var size: Describe the bug Hello. UIScrollView UILabel WKWebView UILabel I know it's not good to have a WebView inside a ScrollView but I have to Problem: On iOS the z-index of a scrollable area is ignored when using -webkit-overflow-scrolling. h> . However, I can't capture all content screenshot of WKWebView by the same method. I get the old value of the WkWebView Scroll Height, For that reason the content don't load completly. self. Bug description: I am using WebView to load a webpage which has an embedded audio player. Please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of I saw a bug report that these things had been fixed in Telerik-Verified-Plugins/WKWebView, but it seems like the cordova one was more up to date, so I've tried cordova-plugin-wkwebview As a newbie iOS developer, you may encounter an issue where a website loaded in a WKWebView has an unexpected margin at the top, causing the webpage to not scroll to When scrolling to any direction, screen bounces appears and i added the code WebView. It seems that in every version of iOS the problem persists. I think this solves the issue in Wkwebview if user is loading htmlString I use the following code which should scroll a webview at the given offset with given animation duration. backup frame and superview of webview. Another possibility is tapping into the CSS property of the webview and calling: overflow-y: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; Don't really know how to call that. scrollEnabled = false but I still have a strange scroll behavior at double-tap on the bottom of the WKWebView. loadView() WKWebView. I am using WKWebview. The website I am trying to load is handling the notch thanks to t WKWebView is a powerhouse on iOS, providing high-performance web rendering wherever and whenever you need. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an iOS app with WKWebView and in-app browsers to display web content efficiently. , how to get and test a feature in that browser, links to resources that might help with it, etc. It's completely smooth when accessing the web app in Safari for comparison. I have already added scroll on this screen but HTML content has its own scroll. 58. Hi has anyone used WKWebView in LazyColumn I ve issue with scrolling . Bounces = false. 2 The screen obviously loads first then the data Currently, The scrolling doesn't work when I tapped inside the WKWebView. Since iOS 11 the "anchor" present in my webview are not working anymore. Eg. y Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X. vmanot commented Jan 4, 2024. I'm having an issue where my webpage is adding plain white space on the right side of the page causing a horizontal scroll, but only when loaded in a WKWebView in iOS. However, sometimes the web view scrollview does not scroll up, and hides the input field behind the soft keyboard. scroll-content is copied exactly from master. UIScrollView UILabel WKWebView UILabel I know it's not good to have a WebView inside a ScrollView but I have to As WKWebView has already scroll and you are also wrapped inside the scroll view, so parent scroll view not get the proper size. Is there any way to disable HTML content scroll so that it takes all the space of my scrollable page ? I am updating my iOS app to replace UIWebView with WKWebView. You can refer to the React Native documentation or the example project. – This issue has been automatically identified as an Ionic 3 issue. So we decided to use WKWebview for our cordova ios app. Furthermore, I'm using Ionic Native Transitions, and Whenever you scroll to the bottom, you can see for a fraction of a second that it's trying add the extra space and keeps reverting back. Instead of performing the alert(), I set the scrollView's contentOffset to a position value that's sent via the alert(). After making the height fixed, that doesn't happen. TAGS: mobile app, web app, fixed header, fixed footer, persistent header, persistent footer, scroll issue, iOS scroll bounce, Chrome scroll bounce, Android scroll bounce, webkit scroll issue, webkit touch scrolling, iOS touch This is tested in Safari and WKWebview in iOS 16. Currently it contents spread to full horizontal scroll I am intent to wrap it horizontally equal to the frame width and allow only vertical scroll to see the full message. There is a problem for using WKWebView in ASCellNode. Fixed an issue where using box-sizing: border-box causes the calculated aspect-ratio to create negative content sizes. 0 comments. Blocked on #41722. Fixed an issue with a monospace font on a parent causing children with a sans-serif font using rem or rlh units to grow to a larger size. webView. Discover the solution to a common issue with WKWebView on iOS, where extra whitespace causes horizontal scrolling. As WKWebView has already scroll and you are also wrapped inside the scroll view, so parent scroll view not get the proper size. While we have no official support for capacitor, we do expect Stripe. To illustrate this concept, consider a web page that If you wrap the text and rich text in a VStack explicitly and then attach the id to the vstack then, I think, the two views in the Vstack will move to the chosen chapter. 6 I've to rollback to version 5. As you can see in the screenshot, I have Image and HTML content on one screen. inappwebview is significant frame dropped while page scrolling #1386. You now have a problem, because both the scroll view and the web view can scroll! The solution here is as follows: Pin the web view to the leading, trailing, top and bottom edges with Auto Layout I can capture all content screenshot of UIWebView by adjust frame of UIScrollView of UIWebView. var webView: WKWebView! @IBOutlet weak var viewWebView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView! You use WKWebView to display interactive web content in your app. Closed vsvikram opened this issue Oct 2, 2018 · 2 comments Closed How can I overcome this issue or is there a workaround for this in WKWebView apps? Please let me know if As WKWebView has already scroll and you are also wrapped inside the scroll view, so parent scroll view not get the proper size. When I pan the left grid, it was the right horizontal scrollbar that move instead. Setting WkWebview. Until iOS 10 this was working quite good, except that you cannot set a viewport. viewDidLoad() let myURL I have a migration issue from UIViewView to WKWebView, detecting the Scroll View reached bottom when using WKWebView. For more information and a sample refer to ticked with id 1505670. I want a continuous scroll that when scrolling on the web view that has a content offset less than 0 I want to scroll the parent scroll view to the page before. {display:none;} The WKWebView engine does not honor WKWebView is a scrollable view itself, I'm wondering whether this is a SwiftUIX bug or whether it should be out of scope. Sometimes it happens after trying swiping back 3 times, other times it happens after 50 tries - haven't been able to reproduce it reliably. add following CSS. 24307. scrollView; create a new container view as webview. of sight. (refer ss, you can see a scroll bar) . You can manipulate the Scroll View of the webview. The scroll content that is normally interacted with would no longer be interacted with while the view is presented. 5. Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 6:33. iOS also does not seem to detect the infinite-scroll threshold and only triggers when at the top of the scroll-view. Been trying to update to WKWebView, thought things were working until iOS 14 came out. The workaround consist on setting 'alwaysBounceVertical' webview property to false. I actually would suggest ditching the ionic keyboard plugin for iOS when using the WKWebView. Also I have reloaded web view on device Since IOS 8 and WKWebView, scroll event fire all over the time the user scroll, and javascript code is not interrupted. As you can see, the interaction using window. Fix would be write WKWebView subclass to give the web view an TISS professor issued notice for ‘encouraging protesting students’ The academician described the institute’s action as ‘factually unfounded, unconstitutional, and illegal’. myWebView. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Each iOS release has a distinct version of WKWebView, and there is no way to update WKWebView outside of iOS release. After going through http://jayantpaliwal Bug report. scrollView's superview; adjust Hi folks! So today I’m really super excited to share something we’ve been testing heavily for a long time now. Steps to reproduce: I can recreate this issue on any ion-content view on iOS 10 in platform browser or ios. I've also tested this app on a non-retina macbook pro, and it works fine. Environment: iOS 17 Xcode [15. It’s no secret that WKWebView has been out for some time now, but in that Currently I'm using a WKWebView for editing HTML e-mails. After setting contentInset of WKWebView, I found if I use default swipe gesture to navigate between pages, WKWebView will not reserve the contentInset and just jump to the top, does anyone know how to resolve that? Thanks! My sample code: import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController { private lazy var webView: WKWebView = { let view = I wrote some code to save off a WKWebView's scroll view's contentOffset and zoomScale, However, the issue remains in WKWebView. Powered by. Apple made changes in the way iOS 8 handles scroll events, but Chrome on iOS is still using UIWebview instead of the newer WKWebView to render pages. During the implementation of the whiteboard (and previous web features) we encountered strange issues with the built-in macCatalyst WKWebView: Didn't work for me with Swift 4 / WKWebView. 2. Do not use UIWebView or WebView. 14. The idea is to set the WKWebView's frame to the desired viewport size, either manually or using autolayout constraints. 0 ios platform: 4. 0, WkWebView supports onMessage and postMessage as in the default WebView. Fill are in play, the WebView should honor those specifications and only size itself vertically to fit the content. Kendo UI version: 202x. It’s no secret that WKWebView has been out for some time now, but in that WKWebView does not seems stable enough such as the keyboard scroll bug and other bugs. I am getting the white background with scroll. – quemeful Commented Jul 1, 2015 at 12:04 I have an application that opens a WKWebView. 1 to make it works. Dose anyone know how to do this? objective-c; macos; scroll; wkwebview; I have a Cordova App using Kendo-ui and Kendo-mobile and ever since the release of iOS 13 none of my views will scroll at all. scrollView's superview; adjust By following the above steps, you can resolve the horizontal scroll issue in WKWebView on iOS and ensure that your web pages display correctly on this platform. e. 11. 0. setContentOffset(scrollPoint, animated: true) Steps to Reproduce Create a View controller and add web view to it Make sure page has horizontal and vertical scroll list or items When scrolling to Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its Sign in to your account Jump to bottom. Hot Network Questions To open a WebView in iOS, you typically use the WKWebView class from the WebKit framework. 0 and OS X 10. I'm currently working on an iOS application that utilizes a WKWebView to display web content with interactive forms. in all iPhones and Android devices the scroll works well, but only in iPhone x the scroll is stuck when the height of content is longer than the iPhone height in a few px. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi, I am using your package to display a fullscreen WebView in my Unity game for iOS and Android. How can I limit to not using horizontal scroll bars on WKWebView? I am working in objective c. size. If you’re using SwiftUI, you’ll need to wrap the WKWebView in a SwiftUI view using the UIViewRepresentable protocol. Since IOS 8 and WKWebView, scroll event fire all over the time the user scroll, and javascript code is not interrupted. For advanced or customized usage, please refer to Advanced Communication between React Native and The default behaviour is to scroll the WKWebView so that the text field in use is visible above the keyboard. Skip to main content. 4 release Hi folks! So today I’m really super excited to share something we’ve been testing heavily for a long time now. Copy link kapoorsahil commented Oct 16, 2015. Share. I can't reproduce this issue with UIWebView. If I've made a mistake, and if this issue is still relevant to Ionic 4, please let the Ionic Framework team know! Thank you for using Ionic! Im currently having an issue loading a local pdf into a webview. r. 11 WKWebView inside Scroll View. 2)WkWebview issue: your checking your web application on Wkwebview the has some memory limitation but that before just check the configuration setting of webview I have a Cordova App using Kendo-ui and Kendo-mobile and ever since the release of iOS 13 none of my views will scroll at all. I don't think it's an issue because RNW app doesn't often use viewport scroll, but I'm not sur that why I want your opinion about this before opening a PR. When typing, the WKWebView was scrolling to have the caret always on screen, but now on iOS 10 it is not scrolling anymore. Solved my problem – leizh00701. I installed cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine and added &lt; Using WKWebView, when swiping to go back, sometimes the app stops responding to further interaction. 10 partner/cat 😻 this is an issue that impacts one of our partners or a customer our advisory team is engaged with partner/macios Issues for the Mac / iOS SDK platform/iOS 🍎 potential-regression This issue described a possible regression on a currently If two objects with -webkit-overflow-scrolling overlap the lower one is scrolled instead of the one . I got no help with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; But, I was able to implement a smooth scroll using a WKUIDelegate method for intercepting alert() calls. 3. Now I want it to have only vertical scroll and horizontal content size equal to the frame width. I found a way to disable scroll inside the WKWebView with css, tho the WKWebView still stops the NSScrollView from scrolling. But does not have any sound when App is in IOS silent mode. frame. However, if you still need to manually scroll without the animation, you can use the following low-level code: WKWebView and JS interaction synchronization problem. preferences. CSS: Disable bounce effect for scroll on iOS 13. body. 3] area-controls-webview WebView area-gestures Gesture types fixed-in-8. shared. 40 fixed-in-9. com/watch?v=K_vBD6IJdpE List of issues visible in this video, with time references: 0:05 - While the menu is open, the content view can be scrolled, then once the The original webview maybe removed from superview after pushed a new screen. I think it is webView. If the issue is still here, please keep in mind that we need community support and help to fix it! Just comment something like still searching for solutions and if you found one, please open a pull request! You have 7 days until this gets closed automatically Without really noticing a difference. For example: MacOS has this bounce effect when you scroll. You switched accounts on another tab or window. To hide the appearance of scrollbars in Safari, Webkit, and UIWebView, we use the following CSS: ::-webkit-scrollbar. Expected behavior: Sound working in IOS s I have the WKWebView inside a cell, but the problem is When rotated the phone, I get the old value of the WkWebView Scroll Height, For that reason the content don't load completly. I have to load html content in wkwebview. Is here a problem with JS code? or it has issues when running in WebKit (compatibility issues) ? javascript; ios; objective-c; ios9; wkwebview; How to Programmatically Scroll iOS WKWebView, swift 4. So, either you reload the data in viewWillAppear or use PDFKit's PDFView to render pdf. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Keyboard does not work when prompted when focusing on an input field from WKWebView and I wonder how to set the constraints to avoid this issue The page is loading just fine. I want to override this behaviour. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. Below there's an example to scroll to the bottom of the view: let scrollPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: yourWebView. 1 WKWebView: document. On the page, there is The issue I was concerned with was the iOS rubberband scrolling colliding with react virtualized. addEventListener ('keyboardWillHide', => window. I don't know any implementation details, but this might be related: Some seems to have resolve the issue by triggering a scroll, but making the view scrollable and scrolling it doesn't seem to fix the issue for me: Scroll shouldn't freeze. Earlier I was using UIWebViewEngine in my ionic 3 projects but this was resulting in slow scrolling of list in iOS devices. I do not believe any of the problems outlined in #6857 would be an issue. I was able to find a workaround by stephan-leroux . The scrolling I speak is not the scrolling created in the Web view, but the bouncing scrolling that occurs when you touch up or up by touching down. Hi, has anyone used WKWebView in LazyColumn. Most of the time the code worked as it did previously, however the occasional issues were sufficient to warrant a fix and to do this I did the following To solve the problem, after the first creation of the WKProcessPool for a WKWebView that loads domain B, I save it in a singleton and use that same WKProcessPool every time I have to create a WKWebView that loads the same domain B To open a WebView in iOS, you typically use the WKWebView class from the WebKit framework. NET MAUI app to the user. If I want to add native elements above and below the WebView then things get much more complex. Timepicker does not scroll to selected value. Create a URL. Short search of people who attempted to upgrade to WKWebView shows hundreds of complaints and problems. . The issue only occurs when launching the page/app from homescreen (pinned app) or inside a Xamarin Webview (might have something to do with UIWebView and WKWebView) After changing the device let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() let webView = WKWebView(frame: view. Commented URL var scrollViewDelegate: UIScrollViewDelegate? func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView { let webView = WKWebView() webView. (The iOS implementation appears to be defaulted to true, based on how RN Webkit behaves on that No Scroll Issues. I also tried upgrading to WKWebView, but that did not solve this issue. ddd jQuery version: x. The workaround is to set it in the will begin dragging delegate instead of at the time of instantiation: - (void) WKWebview Scroll becomes slow and laggy when Scrollview delegate methods are implemented. Or a simple button lis This issue has been automatically identified as an Ionic 3 issue. struct AttributedText: UIViewRepresentable { let htmlContent: String @Binding var size: Hi, I am using your package to display a fullscreen WebView in my Unity game for iOS and Android. 20. documentation (e. No errors are thrown in Xcode console. Hello 👋, this issue has been opened for more than 2 months with no activity on it. It works just fine there. uiDelegate = self view = webView} override func viewDidLoad {super. When I open the same page with Safari it works well, I can interact with iframe's content and scroll without any issues. WKWebView inside Scroll View. What you can do is once you have enough content to scroll vertically, you can scroll the content to the bottom of the view, tap once on the bottom of the screen, then start scrolling like crazy. I would like to disable it. 2 and was last reviewed on July 25, 2018. So, it's possible to cheat on the number of elements in the DOM. I've also tried a few suggestions here on stackoverflow, but all it seems to do it just stop the scrolling animation altogether. Description We are trying to sharing app content (WKWebView) which loads the PDF content URL and that should be displayed to all the participants as remote share. New round of CORS and now this scroll issue. And it seems like it is broken in WKWebView from iOS 12 onwards (even in iOS 13). I had this same issue with both position:fixed and position:sticky. Scroll Staff We've noticed in iOS 15 beta the webView. webkit. Reload to refresh your session. I need to display a document which is expanding in the webview, and creating a horizontal scroll bar to appear, with the vertical ones. There is obviously a conflict when scrolling and I was wondering what is best to solve the issue. I've attached a GIF below of what happened. Expected behavior: I am using a WKWebView as my web container on my iOS 8+ hybrid app. We recently moved Ionic 3 to its own repository. When the user focuses on an HTML input element, the keyboard appears, but I've encountered a problem where the view does not automatically scroll to bring the input field into view. The iframe content itself registers taps and swipes but it never scrolls. If this one already fixed at latest release, please inform it. bounces to false has no change in I have disabled the scroll via wkWebView!. I'd like to disable scrolling of my WKWebView that's inside a NSScrollView on macOS in Swift. It doesn't work for me. Fixed behavior of cursor: auto over links. danishjafri88 self-assigned this Dec 18 I know how to do this for UIWebView, but it is deprecated. In this article I’ve put together 15 of the most common use cases for WKWebView, and provided hands-on code solutions for each of them. I use the following code which should scroll a webview at the given offset with given animation duration. It stopped vertical bounces but not horizontal. Platform Info: ionic-angular: 3. bounces = false URLCache. @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet WKWebView *myWebView; "Starting in iOS 8. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. delegate = scrollViewDelegate return webView } func If you are targeting > iOS 16 devices (including its WKWebview), to prevent overscroll bounce, the solution is simple. If I've made a mistake, and if this issue is still relevant to Ionic 4, please let the Ionic Framework team know! Thank you for using Ionic! Android's native Webkit has a method setLoadWithOverviewMode (documentation) that controls whether a webpage whose content exceeds the window width will be scaled out to fit all the content in the viewport when the page loads. Following these steps can save you, me, and I have a WKWebView and I need to know when it is scrolled, so I bound its scroll view's delegate to my controller in order to use UIScrollView delegate methods:. Q. It only receives touch event below original height. I have the code which works without any errors and when I run it on the iPad simulator, it works absolutely perfect. The red section is the WKWebView and the green section is the UIView. We use the macCatalyst framework to present the Craft editing experience on Mac. Your issue will most likely be resolved once Google updates Chrome for iOS to WKWebView. Sign up for GitHub the mouse and scrolling working as expected on Flutter 3. zero, configuration: webConfiguration) webView. struct AttributedText: UIViewRepresentable { let htmlContent: String @Binding var size: The permission requests from a web page to the WebView control are different than permission requests from the . Continue scrolling until page changes from "1 - 40" to "1 - 60" Bug: Notice the Total Count is Thanks for making this library, here is my first bug report Bug description: I recently upgraded some of our packages, and noticed that the callback given to onContentProcessDidTerminate was no longer being called. The WebView control is dependent on the apps ability to access the hardware. @click on an element with VueJS. Then on the scroll change the inner scroller, maybe after a delay, using that JS script. But in WKWebView, the left grid horizontal scroll is only working when I pan the scrollbar element. decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal; As for iOS 9 beta 3 I assigned a color to the scrollView, I'm sure that's not the scrolling effect of the web page. Improve this answer. Share this post Copied to That answer explains the difference in iOS scroll events. d. Here In safari, both of the horizontal scroll is working fine. You now have a problem, because both the scroll view and the web view can scroll! The solution here is as follows: Pin the web view to the leading, trailing, top and bottom edges with Auto Layout There is a long-standing issue of momentum/velocity scrolling (i. Instead I found the method webView. The method I used for capture UIWebView as follow:. See our general learnings about this framework here. , if a WidthRequest or HorizontalOptions. Auto-sizing should take place only along unspecified dimensions; e. 05/13/2024, 6:13 PM. Add a comment | 4 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default 1 I was doing something similar trying to get the content height after load and then sizing the webview's I'm using a <q-layout container> inside a <q-dialog> on a Cordova iOS app, and I noticed a couple bad scrolling issues. I don't have any idea what code did the issue. contentSize). To restore the "scroll-under" effect of contentInset, disable the scrollView's masksToBounds: wkWebview. scrollToEndOfDocument(self) } The color the web view displays behind the active page, visible when the user scrolls beyond the bounds of the page. offsetHeight returns wrong height, why? 11 WKWebView inside Scroll View. You signed out in another tab or window. WKWebView issue in I put it into my custom scroll control that inherited from ScrollView, and that helped but didn't solve my problem. Sign in Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have similar issue. kapoorsahil opened this issue Oct 16, 2015 · 2 comments Comments. 6 WKWebView in SwiftUI - How do I switch the view when user interacts with the website? I'm having an issue where my webpage is adding plain white space on the right side of the page causing a horizontal scroll, but only when loaded in a WKWebView in iOS. Turns out this can be somewhat solved by using Telerik's Cordova wkwebview polyfill plugin to allow the webview to use WKWebView instead of UIWebView Run project again, it is not possible to click on add in WKWebView If wkwebview plugin removed everything works fine again. I used the In iOS 14, WKWebview automatically scrolls to top every time the web view runs browser back. 0 Swift - scrollViewDidScroll not working with WKWebView Will using ADSL filters with full-fibre broadband create any issues? I wrote some code to save off a WKWebView's scroll view's contentOffset and zoomScale, However, the issue remains in WKWebView. Developer Footer. scrollview. But now on iOS 10 I'm encountering another problem. As the native navigation, it won't be. flicking the screen with your finger to scroll) not triggering the scroll event until the scroll actually finishes. decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal; As for iOS 9 beta 3 WKWebView is not scrolling the content to mapped HTML. Now, I couldn't find anything regarding the change of behaviour of your application from iOS 10 to 11, you could consider reporting this as a bug; on the other hand having seen the multitudes of people who encountered this problem and the fact that affects I'm using WKWebView on an iPhone, iOS 12. height - webView. First of all I want to thank you for this library, it has helped me very much! The bug I'm facing is that I have a WKWebView that makes my NavBar and TabBar hide when scroll Supporting auto scrolling on console mode would be better. If I've made a mistake, and if this issue is still relevant to Ionic 4, please let the Ionic Framework team know! Thank you for using Ionic! I'd like to disable scrolling of my WKWebView that's inside a NSScrollView on macOS in Swift. I think the default should be false, like it is in for example My preliminary conclusion is that there are three iOS 12 wkwebview bugs: preventDefault() does not completely prevent the keyboard from displaying and scrolling the body, of required. nzbmbu dsvyvcpc rtisra bmfd zkuobu sun addgxwb kegd yvyp mubc